New Haven massage therapists assist in their communities’ wellbeing through their hands-on treatment. Over 700 hours of in class experience and 60 hours of clinical hours at an accredited school of massage therapy are the first steps to acquiring your massage therapist license. Additionally, you must pass the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination and then apply with the Department of Public Health to obtain your license.
When Your License is on the Line
A license is required to practice massage therapy. Once you receive your license though, you are responsible for maintaining the standards set by the Department of Public Health in order to keep your license. The department may revoke your license if you fail to comply. A few reasons one may lose their license are:
Criminal activity. If any employee, owner, manager, stockholder, etc. commits a crime on the premises there is a possibility of a license being revoked.
Improper/false permits. Each person must apply for their own permits. If you supply another with your permits or receive a permit intended for another, you may be in jeopardy of losing your license.
Unprofessional behavior or conduct. Clients are usually in a vulnerable position when they come in for your assistance. You should maintain a professional relationship at all times.
Call Us – We Wrote the Book on License Defense
New Haven massage therapists play an important role in their community. It is important to maintain your license in order to continue practicing. If you are in jeopardy of losing your license, please contact us to talk to a New Haven massage therapy license defense lawyer.