Construction and trade licenses are needed for many types of construction projects. If you work on a construction site, make sure that you are properly licensed and that you maintain this license so that you do not have any issues working. In this section of our website, we outline a few of the common construction and trade licenses that are so essential to work in this field.
Licenses Covered in this Section
Having a contractor license is always important when working on construction sites. There are three main types of contractors and associated licenses – limited licenses, intermediate licenses, and unlimited licenses. Regardless of which license you have, it is important to protect it as best as you can. You might face a disciplinary process for issues such as negligence in contracting, working while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, breaking a contract, and more. If you are involved in a disciplinary dispute check out our contractor license page for more information and contact our office for the help that you need.
Another common type of license in this category is the electrician license. It takes hard work, time, and money to become an electrician, so once you obtain this license you do not want to do anything to jeopardize it! Some reasons why you might face disciplinary action include misallocating funds, using the wrong license for the project at hand, not complying with proper safety protocols, negligence, and more. If you do find yourself facing discipline by the Department of Consumer Protection, our office is here to help. We have worked with this department before and can guide you through the process, fighting to keep your license.
The final type of license covered in this section is the plumber license. Whether you have a J-1 limited contractor license, the limited well pumps and piping Journeyperson license, or the unlimited plumber contractor license, your license is not guaranteed and is subject to review if you receive a complaint. If a complaint is filed against you, you may be subject to an investigation and subsequent administrative hearing. Don’t take a chance going through this alone, contact us for help today.
Protecting Your Construction and Trade License
As a professional, protecting your license means protecting your livelihood. Because of this, it is imperative to get all of the help that you can if your license is on the line. The License Lawyers can help! Contact us today and we will protect you throughout an investigation or an administrative hearing. We are here to help.