Working in the service industry can be a trying experience. There are so many aspects of the job to keep a business running smoothly which you must deal with while also being pleasant to customers and clients. It is also very easy for customers to become angry with service workers, and this could result in a complaint against a service industry license. In this section of our site, we outline some of the most common forms of service industry licenses and how you can protect yours.
Licenses Outlined in this Section
In Connecticut, many people rely on casinos and other gaming locations for their livelihood. However, gambling enterprises must have a gaming license in order to properly operate. Maintaining this license means staying out of organized crime, following all rules and regulations, and making sure that underage people do not gamble at your establishment. If you need help defending a gaming license, learn more on this page.
Another difficult industry to work in is the hair stylist industry. Whether you are a hairdresser or a barber, you will have to go through rigorous training in order to obtain your license. Complaints can be made against your license for fraud, working under the influence of drugs or alcohol, physical or mental illness, negligence, and more. You can learn more about hair stylist licenses on this page.
Being a massage therapist in Connecticut requires education, professionalism, and ethical behavior. The Department of Public Health will look into any accusations against a massage therapist’s license. However, keep in mind that you have the right to an administrative hearing if this department wants to take action against your license. We can protect your license! Learn more on our massage therapist defense page.
Finally, we discuss tattoo artists in this section. Tattoo artists must be trained not only in the art of tattooing, but also in safety protocols when using needles and dealing with blood. Some common issues that a tattoo artist might face include tattooing without the proper license, obtaining a license under false pretenses, tattooing minors without their parents’ consent, and more. Learn more about tattoo artists and protecting a license here.
We Are Here to Help
The License Lawyers are here to help if you are facing an issue with your service industry license. Contact our office for more information.